Monday 23 October 2017

READING LOGS ARE DUE NOW.....Gotta be in to win!

No Swimming this week.

The Senior School will begin Athletics training this week beginning on Thurs afternoon and each Tues and Thurs afternoon until Athletics days.

Reminder - Yr 6 JPC entrance testing will be held on the 18th of November at JPC.

Bring PE on Thursday for Go For It.

Wednesday - Rosary in the hall. 8.45 am.

Parent meeting for Yr 6 Pre-Puberty lessons is this Tuesday at 5.00 pm Room 1.

Next weekend we are have a working bee at our school. We have a number of jobs on our list ranging from handy-man jobs, spreading cushionfall under the senior playground, maintenance on the senior playground, replacing rotten palings on our boundary fences, repairing the tops of our garden plots, putting up the shade cloth and I am sure there will be plenty more jobs to do. Come along and meet other parents, enjoy a morning tea and a delicious lunch. Children are welcome also. For catering purposes please let the office know if you can assist, even if it is for an hour or two.

We would like all our school families to consider having their child make their First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. This is a notice from our parish.

The Sacramental Programme is for children who wish to make their First
Holy Communion and Confirmation and also a serious commitment to the

practice of their Catholic Faith. The enrolment is at St Mary’s Catholic
Church 7.00 pm, THIS TUESDAY 24th October. There will be a briefing
on the Sacramental Programme, dates will be given and a fee of $25.00 per
child is to be paid either by cheque or cash. Children who have not been
baptised in Rotorua will need to bring their baptismal certificate.

The children are required to be 8 years old by 1st November 2017. Children
who are not baptised and would like to become Catholics are also welcome
to be a part of the Sacramental Programme.

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