Sunday 26 February 2017

Home Learning

Mihi - Check on your google drive/other learning areas folder. You will find a mihi template. See if you are able to fill in the gaps relating to your family and where you are from. You may need help with the mountain or river you associate with. Learn to say your mihi fluently and we will record it at school.

Religious Education
Ask your parents if you can make pancakes at home on Tuesday. Explain to your family the significance of Shrove Tuesday. If you are allowed to measure the ingredients, then that is extra maths as well.

Maths Whiz for 20 minutes, three times a week. If you have completed the recommended time, try the other activities like challenging another person to a game of maths.

Go to and click on the maths subject. Give the multiplication a go.

You should have your reading log on your google drive/reading folder (this was what you had to do two weeks ago). Keep recording what you are reading. Do you notice a pattern yet? Set yourself a reading goal around the types of books you are reading. For example, if you read mostly comics, then you might set a goal around reading a short novel or factual texts.

On Friday you were given a spelling test. On Monday you will get the results and have a list of words to learn over the next two weeks. As you will all have an individual word list to learn, you will type these on your google drive on Monday so that you have access to these words at home. For those who have most or all the words correct, I have a list of challenging words for you to learn.

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